

Google Maps for iOS updated with quick access to navigation

Google Maps for iOS updated with quick access to navigation
Lewis Leong

Lewis Leong

  • Updated:

A minor Google Maps update for iOS has been released, bringing quick access to navigation directions and tips and tricks in the side menu. The option to start navigation was a bit hidden in previous versions but this update brings the option forward. After you type in an query, you will get a traffic notification letting you know how long the trip will take. Tapping on that will give you an overview of the route and will allow you to select your mode of transportation. You can get turn-by-turn directions by tapping on a route of your choice.

There’s also a new section in the side menu for “Tips and tricks.” Those who aren’t familiar with Google Maps will find this section helpful.


Download the latest Google Maps for iOS

Source: Google Maps (iTunes App Store)

Lewis Leong

Lewis Leong

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