

Chrome for iOS updated with full screen browsing

Jonathan Riggall

Jonathan Riggall

  • Updated:

Google has updated its Chrome browser for iOS to version 26, which adds full screen browsing and new printing services.

When you scroll down a page now, the omnibox (Google’s name for the toolbar/interface) disappears, giving you a full screen view. It’s really attractive, and makes better use of screen space. The omnibox returns easily when you scroll up.

The new printing services allow you to send any page via AirPrint, or Google Cloud Print. In the latter you can save the page as a PDF direct to Google Drive, which is pretty neat. It’s a neat way to save all the text, links and images from a web page (although they can look a bit ugly).

Browsing: Safari versus Chrome on iOS

The full-screen browsing really sets Chrome apart from Safari (right) on iOS, which is starting to look outdated in comparison, even while it still offers better integration into iOS.

Jonathan Riggall

Jonathan Riggall

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